Pan-Cohesion Roll-out Roadmap and Business Plan for Charge Point Operators (Project NEXT-E)Electric Mobility

For ZSE Slovakia and E.ON Czech Republic, both members of E.ON Group and e-mobility service providers, the objective is to outline and plan steps needed for moving toward market maturing in the EV charging business: in terms of business, financing, profitability and risk reduction.

The assessment and design needs to include all types of charging infrastructure – fast/ultra-fast and urban AC chargers.

More about Project Next-E


Both Charge Point Operators needed to evaluate pilot operation of EV charging network – technology, charging sites and business viability. The requirement also was to assess comprehensive data and impact from the pilot infrastructure deployment (costs, revenues, environmental) and to design scaling up of the services. They also needed to assess the expectations and preferences of consumers and compare them with the status in the maturing EV markets. Finally, the objective also was to evaluate the business models of CPO and MSP and assess pricing options for services.


The Pan-Cohesion EV Roll-out Roadmap and Business Plan validated the technology and business viability. In addition, it evaluated technical, operation and business data, business-client relationship, regulation and environment and suggested improvements for business and market offerings for both Operators. Overall, the Plan would feed into a broader Roadmap and Business Plan with other CEE project partners in the entire EU cohesion region.

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