Urban smart charging – pilot testing (Project URBAN-E)Electric Mobility

For ZSE Slovakia, a member of E.ON Group and e-mobility service provider, the objective is to design, run and evaluate a pilot test of the urban AC and DC smart charging in in capital city Bratislava and its potential to contribute to smart city policy objectives.
More about Project Urban-E
The Operator needs to formulate technical requirements for the urban smart charging (hardware and software) and source the system. ZSE also needs to define and test the potential of selected use cases in real life, evaluate the potential for synergies between urban EV charging and renewables and evaluate available technologies and solutions for urban smart charging. The relevant regulation shall be also analysed and feasible business models shall be formulated.
The ongoing support provides assistance to meet all discussed challenges, develop and evaluate system for urban smart charging and suggest feasible business model. The real-life pilot testing will be conducted until 2020.